“INSIDE OUT” MEETING 26-27th January 2024, Geneva, Switzerland
Program Schedule DAY1 | Name | title |
8.00-8.30 | Gabor Hermann | Opening |
8.30-8.40 | Break | |
8.40-9.00 | Dan Hanson | Sleep Apnoea: Is it simply a homeostatic response? A perspective beyond structure. |
9.00-9.20 | Rajesh Raveendranathan | Muscle physiology in functional neuromuscular dentistry |
9.20-9.40 | Tina Bozicnik | |
9.40-10.00 | Stanislav Blum | Anti-aging dentistry: new frontier in functional medicine |
10.00-10.20 | Ela Otis and Sanda Pinkerton | Harmony in Collaboration: Enhancing Patient Care through Teamwork in Ortho & Myofunctional Therapy |
10.40-11.00 | Break | |
11.00-11.20 | Jeevanan Jahendran | An Integrative Approach to Upper Airway Health |
11.20-11.40 | Sharon Moore | Speech Pathology and Myofunctional Therapy: Many Moving Parts’. |
11.40-12.00 | Patrick McKeown | Breathing Re-Education from a multidimensional perspective for sleep disorders in children and adultst |
12.00-12.20 | Nageena Akhtar | The role of primitive reflexes in neurodevelopmental delays and neuro-behavioural disorders. |
12.20-12.40 | Eyal Botzer | protocol of screening and treatment of Tongue tied newborns at the Tel Aviv Medical Center |
12.40-14.00 | Lunch Break | |
14.00-14.20 | German Ramirez | Malocclusions and Breathing and Sleep Disorders: Connecting the dots |
14.20-14.40 | Thierry Gouzland / online | Place and tools for a myofunctional therapist in a multidisciplinary functional team |
14.40-15.00 | Silvia Chadid | prevention of maloclusión in babies. The first thousand days of live and the prevention of malocclusion. Chedid Protocol |
15.00-15.20 | Patrick Fellus | myofunctional therapy by inhibition of dysfunction motor programs |
15.20-15.40 | Michael Reiter | The Strengthening Effect of Parasympathetic Regulation on the Healing of Cranio-Facial-Functional Findings The functional chain of autonomous regulation and the key levels of its harmonisation through vegetative and trauma therapy |
15.40-16.00 | Break | |
16.00-16.20 | Angelo Vanella | Influences of cranio-cervico-mandibular disorders on the Fine Postural System (SPF) and instrumental strategies to highlight it. |
16.20-16.40 | Angela Tenholder | TEAM ALF: ALF Therapy and Game of Integrative Healthcare |
16.40-17.00 | Maria Vasilyeva | Diagnostic and treatment protocol of malocclusion acording to posture from bite to feet |
17.00-17.20 | Marisa Santos | importance of pre-early treatment in a transdisciplinary approach |
17.20-17.40 | Mary Bourke | The impacts of oral devices on the posture of the mouth and beyond. |
17.40-18.00 | Break | |
18.00-18.20 | John Mew | Unlocking Potential: Exploring Facial Changes through Growth Guidance |
18.20-18.40 | Mike Mew | “Us helping Us,.. . We must work together to help us and from this our patients” |
18.40-19.00 | Marcin Dolecki | „From trauma to malocclusion – basics of neuro orthodontics” |
Program schedule DAY 2 | ||
9.00-10.00 | profession group roundtables – diagnostics | |
10.00-10-20 | Break | |
10.20-11.30 | plenary roundtable – diagnostics | |
11.30-11.40 | Break | |
11.40-13.00 | plenary roundtable – documentation | |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch Break | |
14.00-15.00 | Roundtable – integrative dental medicine | |
appliances, techniques and their objectives | ||
15.00-15.20 | Break | |
15.20-16.30 | Roundtable – interdisciplinary protocols | |
16.30-17.00 | Break | |
17.00-18-00 | The future of IFUNA | |
18.00-19.00 | Closure and farewell |

On behalf of the Organizing Comittee, we are pleased to announce that AAOFM (Asociación Argentina de Ortopedia Funcional de los Maxilares) is organizing its 65th Anniversary Congress, in conjunction with the IFUNA (International Functional Association) XIII International Congress.
The event will take place on September 29 and 30 and October 1st at the Hotel Scala, located at Bernardo de Irigoyen 740, Buenos Aires City – Argentina.
Important referents of the Speciality, of the world and our country, will converge in this meeting whose main theme will be: Therapeutic Concepts in the Digital Age .
Has something changed?
This will be a wonderful meeting opportunity to share knowledge and experiences with a view to the future from the hand of prestigious specialists, going around the world in three intenses days.
We also enjoy two Pre-Congress courses on September 27 and 28 at the AAOFM headquarters.
They will be dictated by
Dr. Patricia Villarreal (Colombia) and Dr. Patricia Valerio (Brasil).
It will be a great opportunity to meet each other.
We will be waiting for you!!
President of IFUNA
Dra. Maria del Carmen Attene
President of AAOFM
Dr. Mario O. Pistoni
President 65 Anniversary Congress of AAOFM y XIII IFUNA
En nombre del Comité Organizador tenemos el agrado de anunciar que la AAOFM (Asociación Argentina de Ortopedia Funcional de los Maxilares) está organizando su 65º Congreso Aniversario, en conjunto con el XIII Congreso Internacional de IFUNA (International Functional Association).
El mismo se llevará a cabo del 29 y 30 de Septiembre al 1º de Octubre 2022, en el Hotel SCALA, Bernardo de Irigoyen 740, Ciudad de Bs. As. Argentina.
Importantes referentes de la Especialidad, del mundo y nuestro país, confluirán en este encuentro cuyo tema conductor será: Conceptos Terapéuticos en la era Digital.
¿Algo ha cambiado?
Disfrutaremos también de dos cursos Pre- Congreso los días 27 y 28 de septiembre en la sede de la AAOFM.
Los mismos estarán a cargo de la Dra. Patricia Villarreal (Colombia) y la Dra. Patricia Valerio (Brasil)
Sin duda será una maravillosa oportunidad de encuentro para intercambiar y compartir conocimientos y experiencias con vistas al futuro, de la mano de prestigiosos especialistas, dando la vuelta al mundo en tres intensos días.
Será una gran oportunidad para encontrarnos.
Los estaremos esperando!!!
Dr. Gabor Hermann
President of IFUNA
Dra. Maria del Carmen Attene
President of AAOFM
Dr. Mario O. Pistoni
President 65 Anniversary Congress of AAOFM y XIII IFUNA